- Please fill in Capital Letters.
- If space is insufficient, enter details of additional cars on a separate sheet using the same format listed here.
- Please fill out all the details required. If you are unable to answer any of the questions, please delay making your application until you have collated the information you need. Only complete applications will be accepted.
- Please type in your e-mail address EXACTLY as it should be.
- CAR/MOTORCYCLE CONDITION CODES: (A) Restored; (B) Original; (C) Under Restoration; (D) Restorable: (E) Parts Car.
- Show ‘Make’ as full name. e.g., Chevrolet, not Chevy.
- Vehicle owners can become members only if they own vehicles from the categories given below:
- Vintage: (Upto 1940)
- Classic: (1941 to 1960)
- Modern Classic: (1961 to 1980)
- Recent Classic: (1981 to 1995)
- This form must accompany your cheque payable to “Gujarat Vintage Classic Car Club.